Wednesday 20 February 2008

jordan's feedback from first nunnery workshop- 5th february

jordan mckenzie came in for tutorials, and as hadn't spoken to him at all before about my work, this was an excellent opportunity for him to give me feedback on my performance without any prior knowledge;

  1. liked physicality of the event and watching the paper become visible and then invisible-beautiful experience. should let that moment resonate more- explore greater the notion of intimacy.
  2. elicit memory and exchange- be gentler, slower, possible poetic text? give him space to sit with it all for a while.
  3. explore and heighten the delicacy of the experience- tipping of the tray.
  4. push intimacy- eye contact more, leaning in- how close to go or how close do i feel comfortable with or is appropriate? 'let's share a secret' or make more formal- melancholy of memory
  5. had a sense of being in a den- what's materialising together
  6. nostalgic-notions of childhood
  7. image dying references the impossibility of capturing a memory well, failure of memory to be captured through photography
  8. proximity and space will make or break this work-eyes/leaning etc
  9. likes the fact that not everyone has the same experience, democracy
  10. connections to his own work- traces, how to work with intimacy
  11. storytelling- making a mutual commitment, you have to invest as an audience member
  12. how do you frame this verbally- be gentler in asking for their story
  13. push notion of preciousness more
  14. leave out the projector- its two performances in one at the moment
  15. sign up through time slots/take people in by hand i have selected from the gallery floor?
  16. use card with info-quote-image
  17. think about form and meaning to carry weight
  18. just put photos on wall not named-really formal-liked pins
  19. work on secrecy, seduction,intimacy of the moment- looking away or directly?
  20. use my forensic bags for them to take image away rather than pin up?

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