must make a hole well centred for good angle of view
spent a lot of time trying to seal more light leaks between the planes of wood using wood filler, making the aperture hole, running tests with the image and close up filters held over the hole, and reviewing current thinking about tweaks to Part one of the performance.
vision testing- held fabric/ tracing paper/kitchen towel up from the ceiling to the floor down the back end of the shed. although the initial idea was to have the image on the door, the focal length is not good for a sharp image, the depth of field is very shallow, and this far away it is also too faint. the +2 close up filter gave an image reasonable to see with the makeshift screens hanging about where i would sit (ideas to hang muslin tied up like a tent door). i quite like this idea that when i leave the shed, the virtual projected me in real time outside the shed becoming present on to the fabric inside the shed- a temporal trace-when i release the plug to the hole from the outside. need to look into getting a 1cm +2 diopter glass nugget to slot into the hole for minimum fuss to achieve the image- talk to opticians.
thoughts for today about tweaking the show- talking to a mixture of steve, doug, lena:
- explaining my thoughts on tightening up my story, editing, losing my relationship to the cats but keeping my relationship to the wreath- all good but be well rehearsed
- revising the story i tell. match tone to part two
- catness- keep it hyper- elements of this present in part two through choice objects for example - continuity
- elements of spalding gray- manic moments
- ensure the photography elements are simply articulated- no fuss
- explore mirror possibilities more- think SLR?
- temporal to a point (eg already fixing mirror to the wall)- but ensure photography is
- don't put small shed closer than the ideal i found of 4.5 metres as would block light to hole
- flowerpots rather than planters to keep roots intact
- gardening stuff adds nice details to the atmosphere
- if being usher and performer in one- how to start the performance and from where? chatting about shed facts/sheddies/etc
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